Monday 2 July 2007

Overcoming Procrastination- Part 4

Getting Into the Action Habit

If you can master this, you won't have much problems dealing with procrastination.

Getting into the action habit requires you to step out of your comfort zone and take action for the most important things that matter in the long run.

It is closely associated with delayed gratification and motivation.

Many a times, people are paralyzed by the fear of action. The so called fear of making a mistake is a familiar one.

What is the secret to curing the fear of action? Why the action itself!

It seems funny but once you actually start taking action to do something, you break the ice and things really get easier. It is just like swimming. People who are afraid to swim are often PUSHED INTO THE POOL and left alone to struggle until they are unable then they are rescued. Often what happens after they 'survive' is that it is easier for them to learn swimming after that.

Action cures fear!

Once you start taking action, your mind subconsciously pick up signals and start finding solutions instead of excuses on how looking for solutions.

Your solutions start producing results.

Results and encouragement skyrockets your confidence giving you new strength and vitality and will give you the courage to face tougher challenges. You will also learn to make better decisions for the big decisions.

Wanna take better action to cure procrastination, check out the e-book at:

Stop Procrastination Now!

Buying this will be the first step to making a decision that will change your life. It will be the best investment in your life NOW, for tomorrow. It will only cost you the price of a snack (delayed gratification) but the rewards will be tremendous!

Stay tuned for the grand finale:

"Useful Time Management Strategies"


Peter Duxbury

Stop Procrastination Now!

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Part 3


Have you heard the joke, "Are you working hard, or hardly working?" How about if we put it this way, "Are you working hard or working hard to appear hardworking?"

Just because you are busy doesn't mean you are productive.

You have to decide what to do that will bring you closer to your 'goal' and cut out all the nonsense in between.

I can testify that most of the greatest procrastinators in the world are some of the busiest, most hardworking people that I know. They are always busy, busy, busy! Yet somehow, after a while you find that they are so busy yet why do they have so little time doing the things that matter the most?

Prioritizing is very important.

You have to learn to put first things first or to remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing, the MAIN THING!

Read it again.

I have compiled some of the ways to fight procrastination in a new e-book - "Stop Procrastination Now!".

Learn the secret here at:

The information here will blow your mind.

Next, we will move on to an even more exciting topic called:

"Getting into the action habit"

See you next time!

Peter Duxbury
Stop Procrastination Now!

Saturday 9 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Course- Part 2

Dealing with Procrastination: What we are up against

How do you deal with procrastination? First, you must be very clear that procrastination is a symptom of many flawed characteristic traits.

There is no action in the world that is taken without any form of motivation behind it.

However, most motivation can be summarized into two forms:

Gain motivation AND prevention motivation (in other words, prevention of pain)

It is a crazy mind game, but somehow you will find that most people are able to motivate themselves in ways that allow them to defy the odds and accomplish great things. They have two hands, two legs, two eyes and one mouth. What makes them (normally) different from the rest of us?

Motivation. No one procrastinates something in and of itself. There is a reason behind everything.

There are many forms of motivation that I can share about now. One is by doing something that you enjoy. Most people who are struggling with starting a business, for example, find that the more their business is focused on their favorite hobby, the more they will work hard at it.

Working at something you like doesn't feel like work!

People drag themselves out of bed every morning to go to work, but wake up extra early to head on to the golf course! Why? Motivation.

Find what motivates you the most and try and apply it to your tasks.

Never ever neglect this mindset.

Next, I will talk about:


To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

Sunday 3 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Part 1

Why is Procrastination destructive to our lives?

Procrastination is subtle. Really subtle. The way it works is so subtle that it eats away voracious amounts of time and we don't even realize it.

How innocent it seems, to let time slip by. We deceive ourselves into dealing with it the next minute, next hour or the next day or month.

Somehow, we always feel that it will somehow get done by itself. Yet, at the end of the day, there still isn't enough time to get things done.

We know that life gives us it's fair share - 24 hours a day to the rich, poor, famous, invalid, busy or lazy person. Time is fair in the sense that we have the choice to do exactly whatever we want with these 24 hours.

You get only 24 hours - not a second more or less.

What makes procrastination so deadly is the fact that life is full of sob stories on how people had such a wonderful plan and a great idea that somehow, never came to life or conceptualized in the real world.

Imagine if Albert Einstein procrastinated and decided to write the theory of relativity 'much later' while he played with his dog now (assuming he had one)? Or if Thomas Edison decided to invent the light bulb once he has 'got his things out of the way'. Perhaps today we will still be using candles.

That is just a hypothetical example but you get the idea how destructive procrastination is.

Procrastination must be dealt with. Period. You have to be very clear in your mind what the destructive effects of procrastination are and how you must deal with it NOW, not later.

Next I'll talk about the general mindset on how to deal with procrastination:

"Dealing with Procrastination: What we are up against"

To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

Saturday 19 May 2007

Ken Evoy Talks About Site Build It!

Who is Ken Evoy?

He is the owner of and the creator of the CPTM system and the Site Build It! tools and resources.

What is Site Build It!?

SBI is everything you need to set up a website that contains quality content (you supply the brains and motivation) and a website that attracts traffic. Lots of traffic!

From the moment you first use SBI! and the 10 Day Action Guide which helps you create the website, you will be putting together a website which will be full of your creative input - the type of quality content that will bring traffic in.

Have a listen to Ken's new video:

Site Build It! is fantastic and ideal for you, whether you are a complete novice or an established online business wondering why your existing website could do better.

The design of every SBI website is simple and beautiful, and attractive to new visitors. Check out the many examples on the SBI website, and see the results for yourself.

Check out SBI here.

To Your Online Success

Peter Duxbury

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Understanding How SFI Works For You: Part 2

In part one we looked at how SFI provides gateway websites and how to attract people to your websites.

In part two we look at three things:


Leveraged Income

Residual Income

Firstly, duplication - this is the main way that your downline, the people below you, grows. You need to get the downline to do what you are doing, so if you are successful at getting people to your websites you then need to get your downline to do exactly the same.

If they repeat what you are doing they will be successful. Without that duplication they will fail in their business, cancel any payments they are making and walk away from your downline. That's no good, they lose, you lose and SFI loses.

So duplication is the priority once you have a downline, contact them repeatedly, find out what they are doing right, and what they are struggling with. Provide them with all the backup you can give.

Secondly, Leveraged Income.

What is this? Simply, it is income generated by the efforts of others. There are only twenty four hours in a day, and you cannot do everything, so you train others to do some of the work and the reward is split between them and you.

In SFI you earn leveraged income by the new affiliates you sponsor, and also the new affiliates sponsored by the new downline you have created. So, if you sponsor five new affiliates each month, and they all sponsor five new affiliates as well, your leveraged income just keeps growing.

And that leads to Residual Income.

This is income that repeats every month from the one action.

When you sponsor an affiliate you probably do the most work, contacting them, guiding them and tutoring them to get the duplication working. But every month afterwards you continue to receive an income from that initial action. That is residual income.

Your team will grow in varying speeds, some months you may sponsor five new affiliates, sometimes fifty, sometimes none. Who knows? But each time you do sponsor a new affiliate, look after them and they will financially look after you.

To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Understanding How SFI Works For You: Part 1

First of all, you need to understand that SFI is very simple:

You basically just have to do TWO things:

1. Refer people to your SFI Website(s)...

SFI provide you with a variety of personalized Websites (SFI calls them "Gateway" Websites) that you can start using NO COST TO YOU. In total SFI provides over 20 Gateway websites which you use to promote and sell the products SFI offers.

The two main websites are your Storefront page where visitors can browse all the offers available and make a purchase, and your Capture page, where visitors can sign up and join SFI for free.

So, why would people want to go to your SFI Website? That's easy! Almost everyone would like to be able to earn extra money, and SFI provides a proven, complete A-Z make-money-at-home system, with virtually no risk, no obligation...and no cost to get started!

That's why SFI has become one of the Internet's biggest success stories and why making money with SFI is so simple.

Nice Offers (NOC) is the main shop-front website of SFI and features special discounts, exclusive offers, and money-saving deals on a wide variety of products and services from over 3,000 merchants in over 110 countries.

By referring friends and prospects to NOC via your Gateway, you can earn substantial commissions when they use the money-saving coupons. In other words, you can now earn money by helping people save money on products and services they're already buying (both locally and on the Internet)!

In addition to NOC, special gateways are also available to sell SFI's nutritional products, weight-loss products, telecommunication and Internet services, over 700 magazines, and much more.

Now, you may be thinking, “But how do I get people to these Websites?!”

That’s not a problem because SFI will teach you everything you need to know. They have extensive training resources especially for Internet “newbies,” and they’ve taught people of every age and background how to bring customers to their Websites and make money on the Web.

There are literally hundreds of ways to generate sales and sign-ups—everything from placing banner ads on Websites and submitting free online classified ads, to sending out SFI E-Cards, to mailing fliers and postcards, and many, many more.

If you don't have the time or experience to do it yourself, SFI has that covered too: with Eagle Advertising Co-op.

Every month, SFI's "Eagle Advertising Co-op" generates thousands of affiliate sign-ups. It's one of the fastest ways to start building your business because Eagle Co-op does all the advertising for you. All you have to do is work with the affiliates that Eagle Co-op places in your network.

You can participate in Eagle Co-op for as little as $1.48 a day!

"How do you make money by just referring people to Websites?"

For starters, you'll earn up to 80% of the CV (Commission Volume) for every sale at your Retail Store Gateway.

Payment processing, inventory tracking, and shipping the products to your customers; customer service; etc. is all taken care of for you. You just have to cash the commission cheque SFI send you for each sale. You can also receive your commission to your Paypal account, which is especially helpful if you live outside the US and US dollars are not your local currency.

Now let's look at the way you earn money with your "Free" Gateway. It works a little differently than the Retail Store Gateways but it can be even more lucrative.

That's because persons signing up at your "Free" Gateway become SFI affiliates like you. In other words, they want to build a business. This is HUGE because this is how you will start generating "Leveraged Income."

Leveraged Income simply means earning money through other people's efforts. The fact is, there are only 24 hours in a day, so there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. Hence, a truly smart business is one that allows you to "leverage" yourself through what other people are doing in a win/win way. SFI provides exactly this!

As an SFI affiliate, you can earn commissions when your affiliates (the people who sign up at your "Free" Gateway) purchase products for themselves or sell them to others. You'll earn even more income when the affiliates that your affiliates sign up purchase or sell products—and when your affiliate's affiliates refer other affiliates...and so on.

By simply referring a few affiliates to SFI you can eventually have hundreds, even thousands of affiliates in YOUR network, and earn income on every single purchase and sale they generate!

Check out the SFI website. Join today.

In the second part of this article I will cover 'Duplication' and how that leads to the potential earnings you can make with SFI.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Monday 12 February 2007

Which Business Do I Recommend The Most?

On my website,, I recommend many fine businesses which offer products and services that will enable you to establish a new online business.

But which comes out top?

That is SFI. Which stands for Strong Future International.

Created by Gery Carson, SFI can trace it's roots back to 1985, when it was a mail order offline business. Since 1998 SFI has become an online business with over 11 million affiliates and thousands of products which it sells.

SFI offers four important benefits when being considered as a business to sign up with:

1. Company Stability - 20 years in business and currently a very healthy and viable business.

2. Unique Products - SFI offers a very large range of products, a lot of them being own-brand products, in categories such as - Magazines, Books, Pet Care, Natural Cleaning, Personal Care, Food, Wellness and Nutrition and Telecommunications.

3. Compensation Plan - With six different ways to earn money, SFI offers both short-term and long-term ways to generate an income. And the best part - it can be done for free - you do not have to make any financial commitment to join SFI.

4. Global Reach - SFI now has affiliates in 200 countries around the world.

In addition, SFI also has two additional ways to sell products - Nice Offers and TuneFlow.

Nice Offers offers discount coupons from over 3,200 merchants offering products in all sorts of categories.

TuneFlow is all about music, and will offer an alternative to the Apple iTunes Store.

Now do you see why I am so assured in my recommendation of SFI as being one of the best internet businesses?

I will be writing more about SFI in my next blog entry. If you want to find out more straight away check out the SFI website here.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Monday 5 February 2007

How To Make A Fortune From Someone Else's Product Launch

By Jimmy D. Brown of “Small Reports Fortune”

(Jimmy D Brown is a really knowledgeable guy and I'm
pleased to be able to feature his article today. Hope you
enjoy it. - Peter Duxbury)

I'm an observer. I watch marketers and how they work.
I look at how people respond to marketing. And I've
discovered something interesting over the years that I
want to share with you as it relates to building your
internet business.

Hot topics and trends come along regularly. There's always
a new "in" thing making an appearance on the radar screen.
And whenever there's a new rage, there will be marketers
who jump on the bandwagon.

That can pay off big for YOU if you're smart.

Let me explain.

What happens when a new trend or technique or tool surfaces?

*** People begin to talk about it.***

Marketers begin convincing people why they need it.
Consumers tell their stories. Discussions take place. Hype
builds. Sometimes controversy breaks out. An education
process unfolds.

Through it all ... DEMAND increases.

Now, here's where you come along.

You piggyback on the popularity of the latest big hit by
creating a small report on the topic. You get the benefit of
other marketers creating hungry leads for your offer without
them even knowing it.

Let me give you an example -


When John Reese released Traffic Secrets it was a huge success.
He sold over a million dollars worth of product in one twenty-four
hours. However, at a $997.00 asking price, it was out of reach
for many consumers.


What if YOU had decided to write a 15 page small report entitled,
"Free Traffic Secrets" and offered it for $20 ... do you think
you would have had any takers? Of course!

Why? Because every marketer on the planet was talking about
the need for web site traffic so they could build interest in
John's course. They were creating hungry leads for your offer
without them even knowing it.

All of these marketers expertly and persuasively pointed out
the necessity, benefits and usages of getting web site traffic.
They, in essence, would have created demand for the TOPIC of your
small report.

1. Many of those that couldn't afford John's high-ticket product
would likely buy your small report because the end result of
getting site traffic was something they had been told repeatedly
they needed!

2. Many of those who could afford John's high-ticket product would
also likely buy your small report because of the same reason AND
they would like to know what you might offer differently than John.

Do you see how powerful this is?

Even as I type this lesson out, I have received DOZENS of emails
today announcing a new co-registration product that everyone's talking

I could spend a few hours this evening writing a small report on
the same topic and sell it like crazy tomorrow because of everything
that's being said about the subject today.

So, what's the lesson for you to learn here -

**The surest way to create a hot-selling small report is to
pick a topic related to that which everyone is talking about.***

You know, it doesn't matter what "market" you're in, chances are you see
the same kinds of outbreaks that I see in "internet marketing" circles ...

* Major product launches
* New technologies and tools
* Fresh research
* Innovative features and improvements
* Ground-breaking news
* Hot topics of discussion
* Best-selling books
* Interest-grabbing magazine articles
* Emerging trends

The list could go on and on, right?

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that you need to monitor what's going
on around you, specifically looking for the latest topic everyone's talking

You can do this by regularly browsing 4 trend and event "hot spots"...

1. Active Forums. Find at least one ACTIVE forum related to your market and
regularly visit it to look for ideas. Keyword here is "active". The ideal
forum will have a number of participants who regularly post messages.

2. News Feeds. You can begin with's news center at
You should also look for a news feed or site that is specific to your field
of interest. For example: I regulary visit to
stay on top of events related to some of my Christian sites.

3. Article Directories. Spend a few minutes at your favorite article directory,
focusing specifically on the NEWEST articles posted and the TOP RECENT articles
read. I regularly check

Competitor's Lists. You'll also want to "spy" on what your competition is doing
by joining their lists. When a major competitor begins highlighting certain
topics in their content (I.E. "articles") and / or releases or promotes a specific
product, it's a good indication that you should pay attention.

All of these things allow you to capitalize on the current buzz!

Create small reports based on these buzz-worthy topics.

Jimmy D. Brown is the author of "Small Reports Fortune" - if
you can write 7-15 page small reports, you can earn a living
online working just a few hours each week from your home.
Look for his EXCLUSIVE formula "Creating A Six-Figure Income
With Small Reports" at

Wednesday 31 January 2007

Do You Know Five People?

I'm sure you do, you probably know far more. And it would probably surprise you who you know by association.

Do you remember the movie 'Six Degrees of Separation'? Will Smith starred as someone who claimed to be the son of the famous actor Sydney Poitier, but wasn't. What the story did highlight was that each person you know is one step from knowing a far greater number of people and six steps, or degrees, from knowing everyone on the planet.

And it can go very far very quickly. In 1987 I holidayed in New England and whilst in Kennebunkport, a lovely coastal town, we met a couple who used to live in Warrington and we stayed with them in their b&b. The point of knowing the couple was that the President of the United States has a residence in Kennebunkport, so the chances of me knowing someone who knows someone who knows the President is very high!

So, you may be thinking, what has this got to do with Internet Marketing? Quite a lot, actually.

One of the main ways you will make money with a home-based internet business is by residual income. That is money you earn, usually on a monthly basis, from one original action. An example of this would be to enroll someone into your downline and when they stay in your downline you earn a commission each month they remain.

Now one person will not make you very wealthy, but what if you know five people? And what if they know five people? And what if those five people know five people each? Now do you see why that question was asked at the beginning?

Very soon you have a downline in the thousands and your commissions are very high indeed.

Important note of caution: Pyramid selling.

What I have just outlined is what a pyramid seller offers, and the important thing to do is check out the company you are dealing with. Pyramid selling is illegal. Genuine businesses are members of the Better Business Bureau or similar organisations.

It is very important to know who you are dealing with.

With OnlineSalesSuccess you are dealing with businesses who I have researched and vetted, that have a track record of several years and are members of BBB.

Yours in Online Sales Success

Peter Duxbury

Saturday 27 January 2007

Earning Good Money From the Comforts of Your Home Through Online Multi Level Marketing

When the concept of multi-level marketing was first introduced in the United States more than 60 years ago, a lot of people were skeptical of the scheme. There were many people who said back then that the system is not viable and will just vanish into thin air after a few years. Yet, 60 years later, the MLM concept is still very much used by people all over the globe. The MLM concept has evolved over time and has been adopted by people who are working online. In fact, in our present time, a home internet marketing business using MLM is considered one of the most lucrative online businesses. There are many people who are engaged in a home-based internet marketing business using MLM who are doing so well in their business that they are able to quit their day job and spend more time with their family while running their own online business.

Is it safe to engage in a business home internet marketing MLM? Safe is actually a relative word. Although there are many reliable companies online that are offering real opportunities, there are also those who are just out there to scam some innocent people. To avoid being victims of those people who are just out there to steal your hard earned money, you should make sure that you only deal with reputable companies that are offering real home-based internet marketing business using MLM opportunities.

How can one be sure that he or she is dealing with the right companies? If you want to make sure that you are dealing with the right companies, you should first do research on the track record of the company. A company offering business home internet marketing MLM for more than five years could be one of the best options for you. Note that if a company has existed for more than five years, there is a big possibility that that company is already stable and their systems of operations are already up and running very well. Moreover, unlike those companies, which are just starting out, companies that have existed for more than five years have already built some goodwill with their clients and would like to protect that good reputation that they have built over the years so these companies are less likely to be operating a scam and risking destroying their good name.

How much money do you need to invest to get started in an MLM internet marketing? The amount of money that you will invest in an online business would depend largely on the type of business that you want to engage into. When it comes to an MLM business, the amount of investment would depend on the prices of the products that you will market. In most cases, you will not need to buy initial stocks but you will need to invest some small amount of money to get registered and get your starter kit.

For a service that will set up your own FREE website and utilise the resources of established online businesses go to this page and you can begin to build your own MLM online business immediately.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Wednesday 24 January 2007

I Need Your Help

On of the most successful entrepreneurs I feature on OnlineSalesSuccess is Derek Gehl and his company Internet Marketing Center offers a fantastic range of products.

If you're at all serious about making money with your own
online business, then it is essential that you carefully
consider the deal I want to make with you today...

Derek has publicly released the newest
edition of his famous "Insider Secrets" online wealth-generating
system... and I was wondering if you would mind testing it?

You see, I'm considering partnering with Derek (he and his team
have made over $54.7 Million in online sales, and he really
*gets* how to be successful selling almost anything using the
Internet) -- but before I team up with Derek, I want to make
absolutely SURE his system will work for my customers and

So here's what I'm proposing:

I've worked out a deal with Derek, and he will ship you
(via Federal Express) a 10 lb. box.

In this box you'll find 2 DVDs, 6 resource CDs, 2 guidebooks,
and 2 thick binders containing in excess of 1,385 pages
explaining the step-by-step instructions on how to start and
grow a wildly profitable Internet business.

All I'm asking you to do is follow the instructions. If you do
this, one of two things will happen:

The system will work for you, and you'll start living the dream
of "passive" income with your very own Internet business.

You'll be literally making money while you sleep!


The system won't work for you. If this happens, Derek will
personally write you a check for $200 as our way of apologizing
for wasting your time.

In other words, the absolute WORST thing that can happen if you
take us up on this is that you'll come out $200 ahead!

The best case scenario is something far, far more exciting... vacations, new cars for you and your family, paying
off your mortgage... It's up to you!

All you need to do today is tell Derek where to send your
package by clicking the link below:
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet.

By the way -- do you want to meet a few of the people
who are *already* using Derek's system?

-- Rory M. from Ireland made over $1,000,000 last year selling a
VERY strange gizmo from his simple little web site. (I still
don't understand exactly what it does!)

-- Barbara J. is making a steady $8,500 a month telling people
how to rearrange their old furniture. (She's a 60-year-old
grandmother, and she works LESS than 1 lousy hour a day!)

-- Chris E. must be the envy of his Australian surfer buddies
down at the beach... He makes over $200,000 a year working
about 9 hours per week. Not bad for a 23-year-old kid!

You can read more of their stories, and find out all the details
of how YOU can get started too by visiting:
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Monday 22 January 2007

Business Focusing On The Internet: Finding A Way To Increase Your Income

Have you been entertaining the thought of getting a second job to augment the family income? If the income that you get from your present job is not enough to keep you and your family comfortable, you might want to consider setting up a business focusing on the internet. The good thing about setting up a business focusing on the internet is that there are many online businesses that are lucrative and can give you that much needed extra income. In fact, there are many people who ventured into an online business on a part time basis but later on quit their day job to focus on their online business when the business started bringing in a considerable amount of money. There are some people who have made it big through their online businesses and you could be one of them if you spend enough time and effort on your business.

Starting out your business focusing on the internet is not really that difficult. If you have a computer, a fast internet connection and some working knowledge on computer applications, you can already venture into an online business by searching for a business that best suits your present resources and skills. You don't really need to have some elaborate knowledge on software and internet applications to get started. As long as you know the basics about computer applications, you can already get started.

Getting started with your business

At the beginning, you can work on your online business on a part time basis. Keep your day job for the time being since you will not really earn much during the first few months of your business focusing on the internet. You will need to invest some time and a lot of effort on your online business before you can earn enough money to support your family, so keep that day job and work on your business during the evenings after the kids have gone to bed and the house is quiet. You can put in a few hours at night to set up your website and work on the systems that you will use to run your online business. Whatever you do don't max out your credit card and gamble that you will strike it rich with some get rich quick scheme - that doesn't work.

If your partner is also interested in joining with you online, you may also involve him or her in the business. Setting up a business all by yourself can be a bit lonely and frustrating at times so the presence of your spouse could really help you keep things together. According to experts, entrepreneurs who are setting up their business alone is more likely to give up easily than those entrepreneurs that have partners to help them set up their businesses. Furthermore, involving your spouse in your online business can help you spend more time together. Instead of the two of you doing different tasks after your kids have gone to sleep, you can work together on your online business and support each other. Remember two heads are better than one and those brainstorming sessions are much more fun with two than doing it alone.

The business you need to set up on the Internet needs to be one that is grounded in reality, not, as I said before, a get rich quick scheme. The OnlineSalesSuccess website offers many opportunities to develop genuine work at home business ideas but they are for the serious business-minded people, not those who want a fast buck. If that is you have a look at my website here.

Yous in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Sunday 21 January 2007

Setting Up Your Own Business Consultancy Company: Internet Marketing For Small Businesses

There are many types of businesses that you can engage online. If you are one of those people who have special skills that you can offer to clients online, you can have a profitable business online. Note that there are some people all over the world nowadays that are earning good money online by offering Internet Marketing services. In fact, some of the most successful online companies are those that are offering consultancy services such as OnlineSalesSuccess.

If you are one of those people who would like to work at home and set up an Internet Marketing small business, you should first conduct your own study of the market before you set up your company. Although there is a big demand for this type of business, it is always prudent to study what you are up against before you start investing money, effort and resources into your business. You should always bear in mind that an informed decision is very important in any endeavor. You simply cannot trust everything to luck so make sure that you do your research first before you start setting up your business consultantancy internet marketing small business.

After conducting your study you should find out that there is still a lot of room for another player in this field, there are millions of people using the Internet daily looking for for business opportunities. When you know they are looking for information and it is you offering this information you may start planning how to set up your company.

The first thing that you will need to do is to make a business plan. A business plan is very important in all types of business endeavors because this will serve as a guide towards achieving your goals. You must always bear in mind that a good business plan could be a big determining factor for the success of your business.

How does one go about preparing a business plan? When preparing a business plan, you should first identify the things that you will need to do to set up your business. Write down everything that you need to do and then determine how much time you will need to accomplish each task and how much money you will need to complete that task. For instance, if you are going to set up a website, you should note in your business plan when is your target date for starting the construction of the website and when do you expect to have everything done. Furthermore, you should also note in your business plan the resources needed for setting up the website and how much it will cost your company to have everything up and running.

If you have some business partners that could help you set up your business, you should also make sure that they have role to play in your business plan. You should be able to determine the task of your partners and how they can contribute to the success of the business.

To see how you could have a website up and running within a couple of days, and begin to make money at home
click here

Yours in Online Sales Success

Peter Duxbury

Saturday 20 January 2007

Building A Home Internet Business; Setting Up Your Systems

Make no mistakes about it; working at home is a serious undertaking that will need your concentration. If you are thinking that working at home is easy, you are in for some big surprises. There are a lot of people who are working at home who would swear that they are putting more time and effort into their home business than what they used to do while they had an 8 to 5 job in the office.

One of the biggest challenges that you will face when you work in the comforts of your home while taking care of your kids is to get the full cooperation of your family. Building a home Internet business and working at home, you will need the full cooperation of the entire family. If you have kids, you must let your kids understand that you are working and that you are not available to play with them all the time. Although having you at home and being able to play with you at all may be difficult for your young kids to understand in the beginning, they will soon get used to the idea that you are working at home and cannot be disturbed during certain times of the day.

Building a home Internet business is a big task that needs your time and concentration. There are many factors that you will need to consider when you are thinking of building a home Internet business. First, you will need to set up your own systems. Building a home Internet business is just like setting up a regular business where you will need to put systems in place so that you can work more efficiently. If you are putting up an e-store, the first thing that you will need to set up is your procurement systems. Although you may not be required to keep inventories of the goods you are selling, you must have ready access to the products in case somebody will place an order online.

Aside from the procurement system, you will need to set up a system on how your customer can take orders and pay for their orders. There are many turnkey software systems that you can use for taking orders and receiving payments from customers so you will not really have much problems in this area. Just make sure that you get one that is reliable so that you will not have any troubles tracing your sales. I have already researched many available systems and they can be accessed by using the links that are on the right-hand side of this page.

Another thing that you will need to set up is your delivery system. Your customer will judge your services by the efficiency of your delivery system so make sure that you get a good courier as partner. If you are planning to cater to clients all over the world, you should set up a very reliable delivery system so that you will not end up losing some goods along the way.

One of the more important parts of setting up your systems is to make as much of the work run on auto-pilot. You will do a lot of work in the beginning with your website or blog, but once everything is in place and your customers reach your website all the work will be done for you.

Here is an example - go to the OnlineSalesSuccess website homepage
and look around at all the links. If you click on any of them they will take you to a page dedicated to a specific service where more information is available.

Your in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Friday 19 January 2007

Savvy Advertising And Business Internet Marketing

Savvy advertising - business internet marketing depends on it - and is the key to a successful internet business. My aim with Online Sales Success is to appeal to potential customers looking for valuable and rewarding Internet business opportunities by offering links to businesses that sell the company and offer the benefits that a customer is looking to see. Considering how many competitors are vying for your customer’s credit card number, it is not surprising that advertising, business internet marketing, and online promoting have become buzz words that every entrepreneur who took a home based business to the internet has become familiar with. Stellar goods and services are not enough to attract customers and clients, but spreading the word of where these can be had is just as important.

In the earlier days of advertising, business internet marketing took the form of banner ads. Many of these banner ads sought to attract customers by being brighter and more colorful than the competition. This soon translated into neon green banner ads that would make your eyes ache. Soon this colour war was not enough, and movement was added to the banners. Thus, banner ad advertising - business internet marketing at its worst in some cases - got a bad reputation and many a web-master took down many of the more obnoxious ads. Clearly, this left merchants clamoring for other avenues of advertising their wares and services.

Those who were ad savvy toned down their banner ads to be tastefully constructed and pleasing to the eye. Rather than going for shock value they enlisted the help of affiliates to spread the word about their products. Additionally, these internet entrepreneurs looked to other media to spread the word of their wares, and quickly these leaps of faith paid off. Print ads are now routinely taken out for online businesses, and in many cases a website takes the place of a telephone number. Savvy advertising - business internet marketing at its best has once again reclaimed the world wide market place and made it a friendly place for consumers and a competitive environment for merchants. Check out Online Sales Success for a select range of links to businesses like SFI, Success University and Internet Marketing Center for examples of ads that appeal to an audience looking for true Businessopportunities online.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Where is Your Phone Number?

by Jeff Mulligan (C) 2003

[Jeff has kindly agreed to allow reproduction of his article,
thanks Jeff. One of the great things about successful Internet
Marketing is the way team-work is a process to be encouraged,
not shunned which you might think would be the case. Jeff
created the CBMall system and like many other similar Online
businesses, you get more from the CBMall because
of teamwork and the benefits are so much greater because
the team-work exists. I will be addressing team-work in future
articles. For now, read, learn and enjoy - Peter)

There is probably a major problem lurking on your sales
page right now. And it could be hurting your profits.

Experts agree that one of the most important factors in a
successful website is credibility. This frequently
translates into the credibility of the site owner. People
are more likely to buy from somebody they believe in.

Is your website as credible as it could be?

People judge credibility by many subtle factors. Does the
design of the site look professional? Is the site well
written? Are there typos and grammar errors strewn
throughout the site? Is the author believable? Does the
author have experience in this market or with this product?
These are all important factors.

We also know that a strong guarantee is a key part of a
successful sales page. Taken one step further, the reader
needs to believe he will actually get a refund if
requested. And herein often lies a major inconsistency.

Look at your sales page and ask yourself: Who is standing
behind the product? What do you provide for contact

If there is only an e-mail address, or worse yet, no
contact information at all, then you do not have a
believable guarantee.

If you want someone to believe that you stand behind your
product you need to be reachable. Put your complete
contact information on your web site. I'm not just talking
about an e-mail address. Consider adding your snail mail
address and even, dare I say, your phone number.

At first, I worried about using this approach. I feared
getting calls at all hours of the night. I worried about
getting overwhelmed. But, I reasoned, I could always remove
the phone number if it became a problem.

Turns out, having my phone number on the site is a
blessing. I have made dozens of sales because I have been
available to answer one or two simple questions from a
prospect. I now look at each telephone call as an
opportunity to help someone solve their problem and,
frequently, earn their business.

I have received numerous comments from customers saying
that one of the reasons they purchased is because they can
tell there is a real person standing behind this
business. The fact it is, I only get about one or two phone
calls a day. And my sites have thousands of visitors every

In summary, take a look at your own sales page or contact
page with a critical eye. Do you look like just another
anonymous web site? Or is there a person there; ready,
willing and able to help. The answer to these questions may
have a lot to do with your conversion rates.

At the very least, test putting your phone number on your
web site. Even if your web business is part time, with a
good voice mail system you will sound professional and you
can return phone calls when you are able. Try this
credibility improvement. And see if it doesn't improve
your sales.

Jeff Mulligan has an MBA and 20+ years of marketing
experience as an ad agency Senior VP and VP Marketing for
two software companies, one of which was publicly traded.
Jeff owns CBmall, a site that provides 15 different ways
for ClickBank affiliates to earn income on thousands of
popular InfoProducts.

The following link is my CBMall offering almost 2000 ebooks
and other products rated as the best-selling on the respected
Clickbank website:

Tuesday 16 January 2007

Paid Search Mastery

Paid search ad centers are technology marvels and one of the coolest advertising mediums that have ever been invented. Reality is that PPC follows direct marketing rules that direct marketers have been following for many years. In the early days of catalogs, retailers runderstood that people in varied segments responded to different ad messaging in different ways.

To ensure that a business would continue to grow, catalog companies would take earnings from a previous campaign and leverage these earnings in subsequent mailings. They would change the copy, change the products etc – always trying to exceed previous successes. Sometimes the changes would work – sometimes it wouldn’t – but retailers were always trying increase their metrics.

The lessons of the past still hold true today in paid search marketing. Even though variables may be less than an average print catalog, online retailers still need to consistently track the performance of their paid search advertising and recreate ads with changes that better speak to consumers.

For those who may be new to paid search marketing – below are the variables that retailers can control within paid search:

Advertising Headline

Advertising copy

Landing Page

Cost per click

Let’s examine each in detail

Advertising headline

This is the most important piece of your paid search advertisement. It’s what the consumer first sees and an attention grabbing headline drives further consumer action.

Both overture and Google Adwords provide an advantage to retailers that utilize the searched words within their headline. In these instances, Google and Overture BOLDFACE the keyword which makes the word better stand out within the ad.

We recommend that when you are creating your campaign – you include your keywords in every ad headline. Not only will it convey a sense of relevance to the consumer because you are re-communicating the keyword that they are looking for, it will also stand out from the pack due to the bold type. Follow this rule and you are instantly ahead of 50% of your competition.

Advertising Copy

When writing ad copy for search engines remember these three words – “Call to Action”. In the limited space that a retailer has, the advertising copy has to suggest some type of benefit with the advertisement. Below are a couple of examples of incorporating “Calls to Action”.

Solid Oak Furniture , See our difference in quality

Motorcycles for enthusiasts – Learn more about the leader in motorbikes

Get ahead of the competition, Meet us to learn how you can sell more stuff

Each one of these examples is very simple but they all have a common theme of stating a benefit and providing the consumer with a next step. This tactic engages the consumer and makes an ad more compelling – hence a higher click rate.

Landing Page

It’s amazing the number of poor landing pages in ppc search marketing today. In any retail paid search program it is crucial that the landing page of an ad takes a consumer to that exact product or product category page.

A new tactic that retailers are embracing is to take users directly to checkout/shopping cart when they search for a specific product.

For example, if a consumer searches for Sony DVD Player xjh432 (lets say to do product research), forward thinking retailers are putting the product searched for already in a shopping cart while showing related accessories, promotions, and warranty plans that correspond with the product at the time of the landing page.

This tactic is fairly aggressive, maybe almost too much so, but could be an interesting method to test when measuring your search strategies.

Cost Per Click

If you are like the rest of the retail community participating in paid search, you have seen PPC prices rise anywhere from 30-70% over the last year. In what was like a mad bidding rush, retailers embraced automated bid management tools to ensure the top spot rankings. In reality however, the top two spots are not always the spots that produce the best ROI on marketing dollars.

Next time you are configuring a paid campaign, try bidding into the 3rd and 4th slots of a search term. You will see a drop in traffic but will also likely see an increase in search sales conversion. When placed in those spots, retailers get traffic of consumers that have already spent time within the first three listings (both paid and natural). These consumers are more likely to convert in the 3rd or 4th spot as long as the price is competitive, policies regarding returns and shipping are clearly outlined, and the site provides adequate content.

If a retailer can save approximately 40% off of PPC prices within this spot – it becomes a no brainer to leave the #1 spot to someone who has much deeper pockets, as you net more profit contribution in the long run.

Be rewarded from testing

Within all of these components, continuously test to “beat the control”. Try new approaches and new phrases and try reaching new customer segments at higher percentages.

By improving your clickthrough rates within the Adwords platform, you will be rewarded with a higher ranking without paying any incremental PPC costs. Google’s paid search platform algorithm has been built to reward retailers with better copy - retailers can consistently rank higher than competitors paying more by having better formulated ads.

Google also offers advertisers the ability to run two ads concurrently at once within an ad group. Take advantage of this functionality by testing two distinctly different ads. See which one converts worse, at both a sales and clickthrough level, and change it to something new. Run the ad again and keep monitoring progress.

By consistently optimizing your paid search campaigns by testing and changing the four variables listed above you will maximize the profitability of your campaigns and be on your way to better understanding the motivations of your customers within a search marketing environment.

Yours In Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Monday 15 January 2007

Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?

Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
Author of "Dotcomology - The Science of Making Money Online"

These days, it seems like everyone wants to work
from home and make money on the Internet. But
before you even turn on your computer, the first
question you have to ask yourself is whether
you’re cut out for this kind of work.

The fact is, building a home-based business isn’t
for everyone. Some people like the commute. They
really do enjoy having a boss who tells them what
to do, and they like the routine of working
nine-to-five for an ordinary salary that can
barely pay the mortgage. Personally, I think
they’re nuts.

More reasonably, there are people who are
concerned about the risk of starting up their own
business. They’re not sure it’s worth the
investment of time and money, and they’re scared
of the responsibility that comes with running
their own company. They wonder if there is
another way to escape the rat race.

I’m sure there is. You could win the lottery or
wait for your Aunt Sue to keel over and leave you
her condo. Or maybe you could sit down with a pen
and paper and draw the blueprint for "The Next
Big Thing". Anything can happen... Right?

For me, what happened was creating a successful,
self-running Internet marketing system. It didn’t
happen without effort. It didn’t happen without
at least some initial investment of both time and
money and, of course, it doesn’t happen now
without me making sure that the taxes are filed
and the paperwork is done. But it happened.

I’m my own boss. I work from home according to my
own schedule and I get to pocket all the cash my
business makes. If you’re prepared to give an
e-business the time, the work and the money it
needs to get started and get growing, it can
happen for you too.

Article excerpted from "Dotcomology":
Don't Pay A Dime For Any Ebook, Marketing
Course, Software Program Or Anything Else Until
You've Read This Groundbreaking Document...
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Welcome To OnlineSalesSuccess

Hello, everyone, and thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

My name is Peter Duxbury and through my company,, I am here to provide valuable information and mentoring to help you attain financial success and run a successful Internet business.

My website is dedicated to researching Internet home business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new Internet home business or grow the one you already have. You will find such companies as SFI, Success University, Empowerism, CBMall, HostforProfit, Site Build it, Internet Marketing Center and many others. All companies that are proven long-term successes which, with the proper guidance, will guide you to become the best Internet business person YOU can be.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury.