Wednesday 13 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Part 3


Have you heard the joke, "Are you working hard, or hardly working?" How about if we put it this way, "Are you working hard or working hard to appear hardworking?"

Just because you are busy doesn't mean you are productive.

You have to decide what to do that will bring you closer to your 'goal' and cut out all the nonsense in between.

I can testify that most of the greatest procrastinators in the world are some of the busiest, most hardworking people that I know. They are always busy, busy, busy! Yet somehow, after a while you find that they are so busy yet why do they have so little time doing the things that matter the most?

Prioritizing is very important.

You have to learn to put first things first or to remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing, the MAIN THING!

Read it again.

I have compiled some of the ways to fight procrastination in a new e-book - "Stop Procrastination Now!".

Learn the secret here at:

The information here will blow your mind.

Next, we will move on to an even more exciting topic called:

"Getting into the action habit"

See you next time!

Peter Duxbury
Stop Procrastination Now!

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