Monday 2 July 2007

Overcoming Procrastination- Part 4

Getting Into the Action Habit

If you can master this, you won't have much problems dealing with procrastination.

Getting into the action habit requires you to step out of your comfort zone and take action for the most important things that matter in the long run.

It is closely associated with delayed gratification and motivation.

Many a times, people are paralyzed by the fear of action. The so called fear of making a mistake is a familiar one.

What is the secret to curing the fear of action? Why the action itself!

It seems funny but once you actually start taking action to do something, you break the ice and things really get easier. It is just like swimming. People who are afraid to swim are often PUSHED INTO THE POOL and left alone to struggle until they are unable then they are rescued. Often what happens after they 'survive' is that it is easier for them to learn swimming after that.

Action cures fear!

Once you start taking action, your mind subconsciously pick up signals and start finding solutions instead of excuses on how looking for solutions.

Your solutions start producing results.

Results and encouragement skyrockets your confidence giving you new strength and vitality and will give you the courage to face tougher challenges. You will also learn to make better decisions for the big decisions.

Wanna take better action to cure procrastination, check out the e-book at:

Stop Procrastination Now!

Buying this will be the first step to making a decision that will change your life. It will be the best investment in your life NOW, for tomorrow. It will only cost you the price of a snack (delayed gratification) but the rewards will be tremendous!

Stay tuned for the grand finale:

"Useful Time Management Strategies"


Peter Duxbury

Stop Procrastination Now!

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Part 3


Have you heard the joke, "Are you working hard, or hardly working?" How about if we put it this way, "Are you working hard or working hard to appear hardworking?"

Just because you are busy doesn't mean you are productive.

You have to decide what to do that will bring you closer to your 'goal' and cut out all the nonsense in between.

I can testify that most of the greatest procrastinators in the world are some of the busiest, most hardworking people that I know. They are always busy, busy, busy! Yet somehow, after a while you find that they are so busy yet why do they have so little time doing the things that matter the most?

Prioritizing is very important.

You have to learn to put first things first or to remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing, the MAIN THING!

Read it again.

I have compiled some of the ways to fight procrastination in a new e-book - "Stop Procrastination Now!".

Learn the secret here at:

The information here will blow your mind.

Next, we will move on to an even more exciting topic called:

"Getting into the action habit"

See you next time!

Peter Duxbury
Stop Procrastination Now!

Saturday 9 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Course- Part 2

Dealing with Procrastination: What we are up against

How do you deal with procrastination? First, you must be very clear that procrastination is a symptom of many flawed characteristic traits.

There is no action in the world that is taken without any form of motivation behind it.

However, most motivation can be summarized into two forms:

Gain motivation AND prevention motivation (in other words, prevention of pain)

It is a crazy mind game, but somehow you will find that most people are able to motivate themselves in ways that allow them to defy the odds and accomplish great things. They have two hands, two legs, two eyes and one mouth. What makes them (normally) different from the rest of us?

Motivation. No one procrastinates something in and of itself. There is a reason behind everything.

There are many forms of motivation that I can share about now. One is by doing something that you enjoy. Most people who are struggling with starting a business, for example, find that the more their business is focused on their favorite hobby, the more they will work hard at it.

Working at something you like doesn't feel like work!

People drag themselves out of bed every morning to go to work, but wake up extra early to head on to the golf course! Why? Motivation.

Find what motivates you the most and try and apply it to your tasks.

Never ever neglect this mindset.

Next, I will talk about:


To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

Sunday 3 June 2007

Overcoming Procrastination Part 1

Why is Procrastination destructive to our lives?

Procrastination is subtle. Really subtle. The way it works is so subtle that it eats away voracious amounts of time and we don't even realize it.

How innocent it seems, to let time slip by. We deceive ourselves into dealing with it the next minute, next hour or the next day or month.

Somehow, we always feel that it will somehow get done by itself. Yet, at the end of the day, there still isn't enough time to get things done.

We know that life gives us it's fair share - 24 hours a day to the rich, poor, famous, invalid, busy or lazy person. Time is fair in the sense that we have the choice to do exactly whatever we want with these 24 hours.

You get only 24 hours - not a second more or less.

What makes procrastination so deadly is the fact that life is full of sob stories on how people had such a wonderful plan and a great idea that somehow, never came to life or conceptualized in the real world.

Imagine if Albert Einstein procrastinated and decided to write the theory of relativity 'much later' while he played with his dog now (assuming he had one)? Or if Thomas Edison decided to invent the light bulb once he has 'got his things out of the way'. Perhaps today we will still be using candles.

That is just a hypothetical example but you get the idea how destructive procrastination is.

Procrastination must be dealt with. Period. You have to be very clear in your mind what the destructive effects of procrastination are and how you must deal with it NOW, not later.

Next I'll talk about the general mindset on how to deal with procrastination:

"Dealing with Procrastination: What we are up against"

To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

Saturday 19 May 2007

Ken Evoy Talks About Site Build It!

Who is Ken Evoy?

He is the owner of and the creator of the CPTM system and the Site Build It! tools and resources.

What is Site Build It!?

SBI is everything you need to set up a website that contains quality content (you supply the brains and motivation) and a website that attracts traffic. Lots of traffic!

From the moment you first use SBI! and the 10 Day Action Guide which helps you create the website, you will be putting together a website which will be full of your creative input - the type of quality content that will bring traffic in.

Have a listen to Ken's new video:

Site Build It! is fantastic and ideal for you, whether you are a complete novice or an established online business wondering why your existing website could do better.

The design of every SBI website is simple and beautiful, and attractive to new visitors. Check out the many examples on the SBI website, and see the results for yourself.

Check out SBI here.

To Your Online Success

Peter Duxbury

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Understanding How SFI Works For You: Part 2

In part one we looked at how SFI provides gateway websites and how to attract people to your websites.

In part two we look at three things:


Leveraged Income

Residual Income

Firstly, duplication - this is the main way that your downline, the people below you, grows. You need to get the downline to do what you are doing, so if you are successful at getting people to your websites you then need to get your downline to do exactly the same.

If they repeat what you are doing they will be successful. Without that duplication they will fail in their business, cancel any payments they are making and walk away from your downline. That's no good, they lose, you lose and SFI loses.

So duplication is the priority once you have a downline, contact them repeatedly, find out what they are doing right, and what they are struggling with. Provide them with all the backup you can give.

Secondly, Leveraged Income.

What is this? Simply, it is income generated by the efforts of others. There are only twenty four hours in a day, and you cannot do everything, so you train others to do some of the work and the reward is split between them and you.

In SFI you earn leveraged income by the new affiliates you sponsor, and also the new affiliates sponsored by the new downline you have created. So, if you sponsor five new affiliates each month, and they all sponsor five new affiliates as well, your leveraged income just keeps growing.

And that leads to Residual Income.

This is income that repeats every month from the one action.

When you sponsor an affiliate you probably do the most work, contacting them, guiding them and tutoring them to get the duplication working. But every month afterwards you continue to receive an income from that initial action. That is residual income.

Your team will grow in varying speeds, some months you may sponsor five new affiliates, sometimes fifty, sometimes none. Who knows? But each time you do sponsor a new affiliate, look after them and they will financially look after you.

To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Understanding How SFI Works For You: Part 1

First of all, you need to understand that SFI is very simple:

You basically just have to do TWO things:

1. Refer people to your SFI Website(s)...

SFI provide you with a variety of personalized Websites (SFI calls them "Gateway" Websites) that you can start using NO COST TO YOU. In total SFI provides over 20 Gateway websites which you use to promote and sell the products SFI offers.

The two main websites are your Storefront page where visitors can browse all the offers available and make a purchase, and your Capture page, where visitors can sign up and join SFI for free.

So, why would people want to go to your SFI Website? That's easy! Almost everyone would like to be able to earn extra money, and SFI provides a proven, complete A-Z make-money-at-home system, with virtually no risk, no obligation...and no cost to get started!

That's why SFI has become one of the Internet's biggest success stories and why making money with SFI is so simple.

Nice Offers (NOC) is the main shop-front website of SFI and features special discounts, exclusive offers, and money-saving deals on a wide variety of products and services from over 3,000 merchants in over 110 countries.

By referring friends and prospects to NOC via your Gateway, you can earn substantial commissions when they use the money-saving coupons. In other words, you can now earn money by helping people save money on products and services they're already buying (both locally and on the Internet)!

In addition to NOC, special gateways are also available to sell SFI's nutritional products, weight-loss products, telecommunication and Internet services, over 700 magazines, and much more.

Now, you may be thinking, “But how do I get people to these Websites?!”

That’s not a problem because SFI will teach you everything you need to know. They have extensive training resources especially for Internet “newbies,” and they’ve taught people of every age and background how to bring customers to their Websites and make money on the Web.

There are literally hundreds of ways to generate sales and sign-ups—everything from placing banner ads on Websites and submitting free online classified ads, to sending out SFI E-Cards, to mailing fliers and postcards, and many, many more.

If you don't have the time or experience to do it yourself, SFI has that covered too: with Eagle Advertising Co-op.

Every month, SFI's "Eagle Advertising Co-op" generates thousands of affiliate sign-ups. It's one of the fastest ways to start building your business because Eagle Co-op does all the advertising for you. All you have to do is work with the affiliates that Eagle Co-op places in your network.

You can participate in Eagle Co-op for as little as $1.48 a day!

"How do you make money by just referring people to Websites?"

For starters, you'll earn up to 80% of the CV (Commission Volume) for every sale at your Retail Store Gateway.

Payment processing, inventory tracking, and shipping the products to your customers; customer service; etc. is all taken care of for you. You just have to cash the commission cheque SFI send you for each sale. You can also receive your commission to your Paypal account, which is especially helpful if you live outside the US and US dollars are not your local currency.

Now let's look at the way you earn money with your "Free" Gateway. It works a little differently than the Retail Store Gateways but it can be even more lucrative.

That's because persons signing up at your "Free" Gateway become SFI affiliates like you. In other words, they want to build a business. This is HUGE because this is how you will start generating "Leveraged Income."

Leveraged Income simply means earning money through other people's efforts. The fact is, there are only 24 hours in a day, so there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. Hence, a truly smart business is one that allows you to "leverage" yourself through what other people are doing in a win/win way. SFI provides exactly this!

As an SFI affiliate, you can earn commissions when your affiliates (the people who sign up at your "Free" Gateway) purchase products for themselves or sell them to others. You'll earn even more income when the affiliates that your affiliates sign up purchase or sell products—and when your affiliate's affiliates refer other affiliates...and so on.

By simply referring a few affiliates to SFI you can eventually have hundreds, even thousands of affiliates in YOUR network, and earn income on every single purchase and sale they generate!

Check out the SFI website. Join today.

In the second part of this article I will cover 'Duplication' and how that leads to the potential earnings you can make with SFI.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury