Wednesday 4 April 2007

Understanding How SFI Works For You: Part 2

In part one we looked at how SFI provides gateway websites and how to attract people to your websites.

In part two we look at three things:


Leveraged Income

Residual Income

Firstly, duplication - this is the main way that your downline, the people below you, grows. You need to get the downline to do what you are doing, so if you are successful at getting people to your websites you then need to get your downline to do exactly the same.

If they repeat what you are doing they will be successful. Without that duplication they will fail in their business, cancel any payments they are making and walk away from your downline. That's no good, they lose, you lose and SFI loses.

So duplication is the priority once you have a downline, contact them repeatedly, find out what they are doing right, and what they are struggling with. Provide them with all the backup you can give.

Secondly, Leveraged Income.

What is this? Simply, it is income generated by the efforts of others. There are only twenty four hours in a day, and you cannot do everything, so you train others to do some of the work and the reward is split between them and you.

In SFI you earn leveraged income by the new affiliates you sponsor, and also the new affiliates sponsored by the new downline you have created. So, if you sponsor five new affiliates each month, and they all sponsor five new affiliates as well, your leveraged income just keeps growing.

And that leads to Residual Income.

This is income that repeats every month from the one action.

When you sponsor an affiliate you probably do the most work, contacting them, guiding them and tutoring them to get the duplication working. But every month afterwards you continue to receive an income from that initial action. That is residual income.

Your team will grow in varying speeds, some months you may sponsor five new affiliates, sometimes fifty, sometimes none. Who knows? But each time you do sponsor a new affiliate, look after them and they will financially look after you.

To Your Online Success,

Peter Duxbury

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