Tuesday 20 February 2007

Understanding How SFI Works For You: Part 1

First of all, you need to understand that SFI is very simple:

You basically just have to do TWO things:

1. Refer people to your SFI Website(s)...

SFI provide you with a variety of personalized Websites (SFI calls them "Gateway" Websites) that you can start using immediately...at NO COST TO YOU. In total SFI provides over 20 Gateway websites which you use to promote and sell the products SFI offers.

The two main websites are your Storefront page where visitors can browse all the offers available and make a purchase, and your Capture page, where visitors can sign up and join SFI for free.

So, why would people want to go to your SFI Website? That's easy! Almost everyone would like to be able to earn extra money, and SFI provides a proven, complete A-Z make-money-at-home system, with virtually no risk, no obligation...and no cost to get started!

That's why SFI has become one of the Internet's biggest success stories and why making money with SFI is so simple.

Nice Offers (NOC) is the main shop-front website of SFI and features special discounts, exclusive offers, and money-saving deals on a wide variety of products and services from over 3,000 merchants in over 110 countries.

By referring friends and prospects to NOC via your Gateway, you can earn substantial commissions when they use the money-saving coupons. In other words, you can now earn money by helping people save money on products and services they're already buying (both locally and on the Internet)!

In addition to NOC, special gateways are also available to sell SFI's nutritional products, weight-loss products, telecommunication and Internet services, over 700 magazines, and much more.

Now, you may be thinking, “But how do I get people to these Websites?!”

That’s not a problem because SFI will teach you everything you need to know. They have extensive training resources especially for Internet “newbies,” and they’ve taught people of every age and background how to bring customers to their Websites and make money on the Web.

There are literally hundreds of ways to generate sales and sign-ups—everything from placing banner ads on Websites and submitting free online classified ads, to sending out SFI E-Cards, to mailing fliers and postcards, and many, many more.

If you don't have the time or experience to do it yourself, SFI has that covered too: with Eagle Advertising Co-op.

Every month, SFI's "Eagle Advertising Co-op" generates thousands of affiliate sign-ups. It's one of the fastest ways to start building your business because Eagle Co-op does all the advertising for you. All you have to do is work with the affiliates that Eagle Co-op places in your network.

You can participate in Eagle Co-op for as little as $1.48 a day!

"How do you make money by just referring people to Websites?"

For starters, you'll earn up to 80% of the CV (Commission Volume) for every sale at your Retail Store Gateway.

Payment processing, inventory tracking, and shipping the products to your customers; customer service; etc. is all taken care of for you. You just have to cash the commission cheque SFI send you for each sale. You can also receive your commission to your Paypal account, which is especially helpful if you live outside the US and US dollars are not your local currency.

Now let's look at the way you earn money with your "Free" Gateway. It works a little differently than the Retail Store Gateways but it can be even more lucrative.

That's because persons signing up at your "Free" Gateway become SFI affiliates like you. In other words, they want to build a business. This is HUGE because this is how you will start generating "Leveraged Income."

Leveraged Income simply means earning money through other people's efforts. The fact is, there are only 24 hours in a day, so there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. Hence, a truly smart business is one that allows you to "leverage" yourself through what other people are doing in a win/win way. SFI provides exactly this!

As an SFI affiliate, you can earn commissions when your affiliates (the people who sign up at your "Free" Gateway) purchase products for themselves or sell them to others. You'll earn even more income when the affiliates that your affiliates sign up purchase or sell products—and when your affiliate's affiliates refer other affiliates...and so on.

By simply referring a few affiliates to SFI you can eventually have hundreds, even thousands of affiliates in YOUR network, and earn income on every single purchase and sale they generate!

Check out the SFI website. Join today.

In the second part of this article I will cover 'Duplication' and how that leads to the potential earnings you can make with SFI.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Monday 12 February 2007

Which Business Do I Recommend The Most?

On my website, OnlineSalesSuccess.net, I recommend many fine businesses which offer products and services that will enable you to establish a new online business.

But which comes out top?

That is SFI. Which stands for Strong Future International.

Created by Gery Carson, SFI can trace it's roots back to 1985, when it was a mail order offline business. Since 1998 SFI has become an online business with over 11 million affiliates and thousands of products which it sells.

SFI offers four important benefits when being considered as a business to sign up with:

1. Company Stability - 20 years in business and currently a very healthy and viable business.

2. Unique Products - SFI offers a very large range of products, a lot of them being own-brand products, in categories such as - Magazines, Books, Pet Care, Natural Cleaning, Personal Care, Food, Wellness and Nutrition and Telecommunications.

3. Compensation Plan - With six different ways to earn money, SFI offers both short-term and long-term ways to generate an income. And the best part - it can be done for free - you do not have to make any financial commitment to join SFI.

4. Global Reach - SFI now has affiliates in 200 countries around the world.

In addition, SFI also has two additional ways to sell products - Nice Offers and TuneFlow.

Nice Offers offers discount coupons from over 3,200 merchants offering products in all sorts of categories.

TuneFlow is all about music, and will offer an alternative to the Apple iTunes Store.

Now do you see why I am so assured in my recommendation of SFI as being one of the best internet businesses?

I will be writing more about SFI in my next blog entry. If you want to find out more straight away check out the SFI website here.

Yours in Online Sales Success,

Peter Duxbury

Monday 5 February 2007

How To Make A Fortune From Someone Else's Product Launch

By Jimmy D. Brown of “Small Reports Fortune”

(Jimmy D Brown is a really knowledgeable guy and I'm
pleased to be able to feature his article today. Hope you
enjoy it. - Peter Duxbury)

I'm an observer. I watch marketers and how they work.
I look at how people respond to marketing. And I've
discovered something interesting over the years that I
want to share with you as it relates to building your
internet business.

Hot topics and trends come along regularly. There's always
a new "in" thing making an appearance on the radar screen.
And whenever there's a new rage, there will be marketers
who jump on the bandwagon.

That can pay off big for YOU if you're smart.

Let me explain.

What happens when a new trend or technique or tool surfaces?

*** People begin to talk about it.***

Marketers begin convincing people why they need it.
Consumers tell their stories. Discussions take place. Hype
builds. Sometimes controversy breaks out. An education
process unfolds.

Through it all ... DEMAND increases.

Now, here's where you come along.

You piggyback on the popularity of the latest big hit by
creating a small report on the topic. You get the benefit of
other marketers creating hungry leads for your offer without
them even knowing it.

Let me give you an example -


When John Reese released Traffic Secrets it was a huge success.
He sold over a million dollars worth of product in one twenty-four
hours. However, at a $997.00 asking price, it was out of reach
for many consumers.


What if YOU had decided to write a 15 page small report entitled,
"Free Traffic Secrets" and offered it for $20 ... do you think
you would have had any takers? Of course!

Why? Because every marketer on the planet was talking about
the need for web site traffic so they could build interest in
John's course. They were creating hungry leads for your offer
without them even knowing it.

All of these marketers expertly and persuasively pointed out
the necessity, benefits and usages of getting web site traffic.
They, in essence, would have created demand for the TOPIC of your
small report.

1. Many of those that couldn't afford John's high-ticket product
would likely buy your small report because the end result of
getting site traffic was something they had been told repeatedly
they needed!

2. Many of those who could afford John's high-ticket product would
also likely buy your small report because of the same reason AND
they would like to know what you might offer differently than John.

Do you see how powerful this is?

Even as I type this lesson out, I have received DOZENS of emails
today announcing a new co-registration product that everyone's talking

I could spend a few hours this evening writing a small report on
the same topic and sell it like crazy tomorrow because of everything
that's being said about the subject today.

So, what's the lesson for you to learn here -

**The surest way to create a hot-selling small report is to
pick a topic related to that which everyone is talking about.***

You know, it doesn't matter what "market" you're in, chances are you see
the same kinds of outbreaks that I see in "internet marketing" circles ...

* Major product launches
* New technologies and tools
* Fresh research
* Innovative features and improvements
* Ground-breaking news
* Hot topics of discussion
* Best-selling books
* Interest-grabbing magazine articles
* Emerging trends

The list could go on and on, right?

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that you need to monitor what's going
on around you, specifically looking for the latest topic everyone's talking

You can do this by regularly browsing 4 trend and event "hot spots"...

1. Active Forums. Find at least one ACTIVE forum related to your market and
regularly visit it to look for ideas. Keyword here is "active". The ideal
forum will have a number of participants who regularly post messages.

2. News Feeds. You can begin with Google.com's news center at http://news.google.com.
You should also look for a news feed or site that is specific to your field
of interest. For example: I regulary visit http://ChristianHeadlines.com to
stay on top of events related to some of my Christian sites.

3. Article Directories. Spend a few minutes at your favorite article directory,
focusing specifically on the NEWEST articles posted and the TOP RECENT articles
read. I regularly check http://goarticles.com.

Competitor's Lists. You'll also want to "spy" on what your competition is doing
by joining their lists. When a major competitor begins highlighting certain
topics in their content (I.E. "articles") and / or releases or promotes a specific
product, it's a good indication that you should pay attention.

All of these things allow you to capitalize on the current buzz!

Create small reports based on these buzz-worthy topics.

Jimmy D. Brown is the author of "Small Reports Fortune" - if
you can write 7-15 page small reports, you can earn a living
online working just a few hours each week from your home.
Look for his EXCLUSIVE formula "Creating A Six-Figure Income
With Small Reports" at http://www.SmallReportsFortune.com